It has been well over a year since the Tulane School of Architecture was displaced from Richardson Memorial Hall to five temporary tent structures for the infamous renovation. Now pair that with Category 4 Hurricane Ida, persistent COVID 19 outbreaks, flea infestations, faculty changes, and further displacement of research studios. It has been a tornado since we entered college. In fact there was also one of those in March. All this to say that not much warrants a bat of an eye anymore. Most of us have learned to find normalcy within each other and our shared interests in design. 

Show + Tell, the 2022 issue of The Charrette, aims to fill that role. From playful visuals on the “show” side to independent research projects on “tell,” we can be reminded that at the end of the day design education is fueled by personal passions, collaboration, and a desire to create.

Seth + Charlotte + Kayleigh + Claire


Seth Laskin, Charlotte Kelley, Kayleigh Macumber, Claire Mulhollem